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Op alle door BDM verrichte werkzaamheden en leveringen is de DNR2011 van toepassing. Klik hier om de voorwaarde te raadplegen. Al onze werkzaamheden worden verricht krachtens een overeenkomst van opdracht gesloten met Brandsma Digitaal Meten B.V. en haar rechtsvoortgangers.

Disclaimer English

The information sent in this e-mail is confidential and destined solely for the addressee(s). The use of this information by parties other than the addressee(s) is prohibited. This e-mail is destined solely for the addressee(s). Please contact us immediately if this e-mail was erroneously sent to you. In this case, we ask that you do not use the contents nor distribute them to third parties as this message can contain confidential information, protected by a duty of professional confidentiality. The disclosure, reproduction, distribution and/or supply of this information to third parties is not permitted. Brandsma Digitaal Meten B.V. is not responsible for the accurate and complete conveyance of the contents of the e-mails it sends, nor for the timely receipt thereof, and is not liable for any viruses contained in this e-mail and/or any attachments.

All of our work is carried out pursuant to an agreement for professional services concluded with Brandsma Digitaal Meten B.V. and its legal predecessors. The DNR2011 applies to all work and deliveries performed by BDM. Click here to consult the conditions.

Boonstra Installaties

NIEUW: LayoutPrinter®

Deze beweeglijke robot print CAD-tekeningen rechtstreeks op de ondergrond met een indrukwekkende snelheid en precisie. Ervaar hoe de LayoutPrinter® het werk op de werkvloer transformeert!

Meer informatie